Closet Essentials

A Guide to Establishing Your Wardrobe Foundation

We’ve all been there. Minutes before we have somewhere to be, in front of the closet without a thing to wear! Many of us with a closet full I might add. You know the old saying, a closet full with nothing to wear. If this holds true for you, this mini course was created for you. A closet full and nothing to wear. How could that be? I'm sure I know the answer. And I'm here to help. I'll walk you through an extensive list of must have closet essentials, no matter your size or lifestyle and show you how to maximize each of these items. These items are critical to building a fabulous, scalable and quality wardrobe no matter your lifestyle. Is it possible to build a wardrobe that is timeless that never dates? Absolutely. I'm here to show you how with almost 2 hours of lecture and a free downloadable.

This course is for you if;

1. You want to take your style to new levels.

2. You want to become a smarter fashion consumer.

3. You want to establish a practical and functional wardrobe that works for your lifestyle.

4. You seek creative ways to make your wardrobe work for you, instead of you working for your wardrobe.

Your Instructor

Natasha Bernard
Natasha Bernard

As your Senior Style Consultant, Natasha brings a sense of individualism, eclecticism and unorthodox approach to style. Creativity calls for seeing what others don't see. Individuality differs from what others do, and style is what she is here to help others find. With over a decade of experience in fashion, design and consulting--- working with amazing women like you helping to take your style profile to new levels brings her total gratification. The award-winning fashion blogger, seamstress and interior design maven is thrilled to share her style philosophy in a series of six mini courses sure to transform your approach to fashion and style. You can also find her over at Fab Talk Radio where she dishes on fashion, lifestyle and everything else in between. Fashion Fab Boutique where she is the Chief Curator in Style. Fashion Fab Image Consulting where she lends her expertise on personal and professional image strategy; and of course over at Fashionably Fabulous, her blog where she chronicles all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

dressing with confidence reaches beyond the latest fashion trends. Rather, it’s more about feeling great and looking the part. Truth is, looking good impacts the way we feel about ourselves. Self-assurance is the key to putting our best foot forward and projecting a positive attitude in all aspects of life. Confidence attracts opportunities, and when opportunity knocks---why not look and feel your absolute best. Let me help you take your wardrobe, confidence and style to new levels. And yes, without breaking the bank. Your first impression is a very lasting one and I look forward to helping you craft your signature style to confidently project your authentic and best self to the world.

Get started now!